Look, it's not that uncommon: to come to a few days before your graduation date and you find out from your counselor that you're missing credits. Or, something else happens and your graduation dreams are dashed.
If you're between the ages of 18 & 21 and want a DIPLOMA, not just a GED, with your hard work, we can get you there. And we have special low-pricing for you because you're an adult.
A GED will not replace a diploma when it comes to advancement opportunities in jobs you love. And you can't join the Armed Forces with a GED. You can get your diploma. Make an appointment directly from our Home page today. We'll get you started!
Let NHHSA be your trusted partner. If you're between the ages of 18 & 21, 2e can help you complete your schooling and get your high school diploma. We also provide test preparation and tutoring to help you pass the ASVAB.
NHHSA helps you make the achievement of your goals possible!
Set up an appointment to visit one of our campuses today.